Anti-Jewish Activity in the Rhineland, 1935 Report of the Stapo (State Police) Koblenz on the situation in the Rheinland, 14 December 1935 Source: Hans Mommsen and Susanne Willems Herrschaftsalltag im Dritten Reich, (Duesseldorf 1988), pp. 433-434. The number of individually initiated activities against the Jews has declined sharply. Excesses now take place only rarely…. The decrease in the number of people frequenting Jewish shops is being maintained. The largest Jewish business in Simmern, which had a turnover of 14,089 Marks in 1934, can now reach only 3,803 Marks. There is an increase in liquidations of Jewish businesses in Simmern. The tendency to emigrate is being maintained. The number of Jews in the city of Simmern has been cut in half since the seizure of power. In Koblenz the Jewish Frankfurter Damenkonfektionshaus (The Frankfurt House of Ladies' Fashions) is now under Aryan ownership. Other Jewish businesses are under negotiation to be sold. A major part of the cattle market is once again in Jewish hands. Two Jewish dealers who had already retired are once again active. From the sales and purchase ledgers of the Jewish cattle dealers one can see that they now trade more cattle heads than in 1932. The Jewish cattle dealer Salomon of Niederbieber sold 4 cattle in October and November 1932, whereas in the same period in 1935 his deals account for about 35 heads. The conspicuity of Jewish cattle dealers is becoming bolder… Recent weeks have shown a large number of Jewish dealers in the markets, which had become completely free of Jews in the months before. They try to circumvent the boycott in the markets by pushing forward their Aryan assistants or other intermediaries and letting them close the deals. The difficulty in excluding Jewish influence in the cattle business is due primarily to the behaviour of the peasants, who tend to keep up their business relations with the Jews. Many peasants lack insight and good will with regard to the Jewish Question… Nevertheless, it is important to note that Jewish influence in economic life has been sharply diminishing, and they are continuously losing ground. The Zionist movement is successful in promoting emigration. During the month of this report, the film “The Promised Land” was screened in Koblenz. About 600 persons attended the screening. Contrary to the Zionists, the Union of Jewish Front Veterans is of the opinion that Palestine can not absorb all the Jews. They support emigration to…[other] countries. They especially recommend Brazil, which is 17 times larger than Germany and has a population of only 40,000,000. Emigration to Brazil is especially lucrative for Jews between the ages of 14 to 30. The Koblenz area Jewish Kulturbund (Cultural League) is holding a series of events. Their membership in Koblenz has grown to almost 400. Their events are all attended by large audiences. Generally speaking, the majority of Jews have given up hopes of being able to remain in Germany in the long run.